A. Number theory

  1. Factors
  2. Divisibility rules
  3. Prime or composite
  4. Prime factorization
  5. Greatest common factor
  6. Least common multiple
  7. GCF and LCM: word problems
  8. Sort factors of numerical expressions

B. Integers

  1. Integers on number lines
  2. Graph integers on horizontal and vertical number lines
  3. Absolute value and opposite integers
  4. Compare and order integers
  5. Integer inequalities with absolute values

C. Operations with integers

  1. Integer addition and subtraction rules
  2. Add and subtract integers using counters
  3. Add and subtract integers
  4. Add and subtract three or more integers
  5. Add and subtract integers: word problems
  6. Integer multiplication and division rules
  7. Multiply and divide integers
  8. Evaluate numerical expressions involving integers

D. Exponents

  1. Understanding exponents
  2. Evaluate exponents
  3. Solve equations with variable exponents
  4. Exponents with negative bases
  5. Exponents with decimal and fractional bases
  6. Understanding negative exponents
  7. Evaluate negative exponents
  8. Evaluate negative and zero exponents
  9. Multiplication with exponents
  10. Division with exponents
  11. Multiplication and division with exponents
  12. Power rule
  13. Evaluate expressions using properties of exponents
  14. Identify equivalent expressions involving exponents I
  15. Identify equivalent expressions involving exponents II
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Integer exponents

E. Scientific notation

  1. Convert between standard and scientific notation
  2. Scientific notation on calculators
  3. Compare numbers written in scientific notation
  4. Add and subtract numbers written in scientific notation
  5. Multiply numbers written in scientific notation
  6. Divide numbers written in scientific notation
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Scientific notation

F. Square roots and cube roots

  1. Square roots of perfect squares
  2. Estimate positive square roots
  3. Positive and negative square roots
  4. Estimate positive and negative square roots
  5. Relationship between squares and square roots
  6. Solve equations using square roots
  7. Cube roots of positive perfect cubes
  8. Cube roots of positive and negative perfect cubes
  9. Solve equations using cube roots
  10. Estimate cube roots
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Square and cube roots

G. Rational numbers

  1. Write fractions in lowest terms
  2. Least common denominator
  3. Round decimals and mixed numbers
  4. Write a repeating decimal as a fraction
  5. Convert between decimals and fractions or mixed numbers
  6. Absolute value of rational numbers
  7. Compare rational numbers
  8. Put rational numbers in order

H. Operations with rational numbers

  1. Reciprocals and multiplicative inverses
  2. Add and subtract rational numbers
  3. Add and subtract rational numbers: word problems
  4. Apply addition and subtraction rules
  5. Multiply and divide rational numbers
  6. Multiply and divide rational numbers: word problems
  7. Apply multiplication and division rules
  8. Apply addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division rules
  9. Evaluate numerical expressions involving rational numbers

I. Rational and irrational numbers

  1. Identify rational and irrational square roots
  2. Identify rational and irrational numbers
  3. Classify numbers
  4. Irrational numbers on number lines
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Rational and irrational numbers
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Approximate irrational numbers

J. Ratios, rates, and proportions

  1. Understanding ratios
  2. Identify equivalent ratios
  3. Write an equivalent ratio
  4. Equivalent ratios: word problems
  5. Unit rates
  6. Word problems involving ratios
  7. Do the ratios form a proportion?
  8. Do the ratios form a proportion: word problems
  9. Solve proportions
  10. Solve proportions: word problems
  11. Estimate population size using proportions
  12. Scale drawings: word problems
  13. Scale drawings: scale factor word problems

K. Proportional relationships

  1. Find the constant of proportionality from a table
  2. Write equations for proportional relationships from tables
  3. Identify proportional relationships by graphing
  4. Find the constant of proportionality from a graph
  5. Write equations for proportional relationships from graphs
  6. Identify proportional relationships from graphs and equations
  7. Identify proportional relationships from tables
  8. Identify proportional relationships: word problems
  9. Graph proportional relationships and find the slope
  10. Interpret graphs of proportional relationships
  11. Write and solve equations for proportional relationships
  12. Find the constant of variation
  13. Identify direct variation
  14. Write direct variation equations
  15. Write and solve direct variation equations
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Proportional relationships

L. Percents

  1. Convert between percents, fractions, and decimals
  2. Compare percents to fractions and decimals
  3. Find what percent one number is of another
  4. Find what percent one number is of another: word problems
  5. Estimate percents of numbers
  6. Percents of numbers and money amounts
  7. Percents of numbers: word problems
  8. Compare percents of numbers
  9. Solve percent equations
  10. Percent of change
  11. Percent of change: word problems
  12. Percent of change: find the original amount word problems

M. Consumer math

  1. Price lists
  2. Unit prices
  3. Unit prices with unit conversions
  4. Unit prices: find the total price
  5. Percent of a number: tax, discount, and more
  6. Find the percent: tax, discount, and more
  7. Sale prices: find the original price
  8. Multi-step problems with percents
  9. Estimate tips
  10. Simple interest
  11. Compound interest

N. Units of measurement

  1. Convert rates and measurements: customary units
  2. Convert rates and measurements: metric units
  3. Mixed customary units
  4. Convert between customary and metric systems
  5. Precision
  6. Convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit

O. Problem solving

  1. Multi-step word problems
  2. Guess-and-check word problems
  3. Use Venn diagrams to solve problems
  4. Elapsed time word problems

P. Coordinate plane

  1. Coordinate plane review
  2. Quadrants and axes
  3. Follow directions on a coordinate plane
  4. Find the distance between two points

Q. Two-dimensional figures

  1. Identify and classify polygons
  2. Classify triangles
  3. Identify trapezoids
  4. Classify quadrilaterals I
  5. Classify quadrilaterals II
  6. Graph triangles and quadrilaterals
  7. Find missing angles in triangles
  8. Find missing angles in triangles using ratios
  9. Triangle Angle-Sum Theorem
  10. Find missing angles in quadrilaterals I
  11. Find missing angles in quadrilaterals II
  12. Exterior Angle Theorem
  13. Interior angles of polygons
  14. Identify complementary, supplementary, vertical, adjacent, and congruent angles
  15. Find measures of complementary, supplementary, vertical, and adjacent angles
  16. Identify alternate interior and alternate exterior angles
  17. Transversals of parallel lines: name angle pairs
  18. Transversals of parallel lines: find angle measures
  19. Transversals of parallel lines: solve for x
  20. Find lengths and measures of bisected line segments and angles
  21. Parts of a circle
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Triangles and transversals

R. Transformations and congruence

  1. Line symmetry
  2. Rotational symmetry
  3. Rotational symmetry: amount of rotation
  4. Identify reflections, rotations, and translations
  5. Describe a sequence of transformations
  6. Translations: graph the image
  7. Translations: find the coordinates
  8. Translations: write the rule
  9. Reflections over the x- and y-axes: graph the image
  10. Reflections over the x- and y-axes: find the coordinates
  11. Reflections: graph the image
  12. Reflections: find the coordinates
  13. Rotations: graph the image
  14. Rotations: find the coordinates
    • New! Reflections and rotations: write the rule
    • New! Describe transformations
  15. Sequences of congruence transformations: graph the image
  16. Identify congruent figures
  17. Congruence statements and corresponding parts
  18. Side lengths and angle measures of congruent figures
  19. Congruent triangles: SSS, SAS, and ASA
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Congruence transformations

S. Transformations and similarity

  1. Similar and congruent figures
  2. Dilations: graph the image
  3. Dilations: find the coordinates
  4. Dilations: find the scale factor
  5. Identify similar triangles
  6. Angle-angle criterion for similar triangles
  7. Side lengths and angle measures of similar triangles
  8. Side lengths and angle measures of similar figures
  9. Find missing side lengths in proportional triangles
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Similarity transformations
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Transformations on the coordinate plane

T. Pythagorean theorem

  1. Pythagorean theorem: find the length of the hypotenuse
  2. Pythagorean theorem: find the missing leg length
  3. Pythagorean theorem: find the missing leg or hypotenuse length
  4. Pythagorean theorem: find the perimeter
  5. Pythagorean theorem: word problems
  6. Converse of the Pythagorean theorem: is it a right triangle?
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Pythagorean theorem and its converse
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Applications of the Pythagorean theorem

U. Three-dimensional figures

  1. Parts of three-dimensional figures
  2. Nets of three-dimensional figures
  3. Front, side, and top view
  4. Base plans
  5. Similar solids

V. Geometric measurement

  1. Perimeter
  2. Area
  3. Area and perimeter: word problems
  4. Area and circumference of circles
  5. Circles: word problems
  6. Area and perimeter of semicircles and quarter circles
  7. Area between two shapes
  8. Volume of cubes, prisms, and pyramids
  9. Surface area of cubes, prisms, and pyramids
  10. Volume of cylinders
  11. Volume of cones
  12. Surface area of cylinders
  13. Surface area of cones
  14. Volume of spheres
  15. Surface area of spheres
  16. Volume and surface area of similar solids
  17. Perimeter and area: changes in scale
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Volume

W. Number sequences

  1. Identify arithmetic and geometric sequences
  2. Arithmetic sequences
  3. Geometric sequences
  4. Number sequences: mixed review
  5. Number sequences: word problems
  6. Evaluate variable expressions for number sequences
  7. Write variable expressions for arithmetic sequences

X. Expressions and properties

  1. Write variable expressions: one operation
  2. Write variable expressions: two or three operations
  3. Write variable expressions from diagrams
  4. Write variable expressions: word problems
  5. Evaluate one-variable expressions
  6. Evaluate multi-variable expressions
  7. Evaluate absolute value expressions
  8. Evaluate radical expressions
  9. Evaluate rational expressions
  10. Identify terms and coefficients
  11. Sort factors of variable expressions
  12. Properties of addition and multiplication
  13. Multiply using the distributive property
  14. Write equivalent expressions using properties
  15. Add and subtract like terms
  16. Add and subtract linear expressions
  17. Factors of linear expressions
  18. Identify equivalent linear expressions I
  19. Identify equivalent linear expressions II
  20. Identify equivalent linear expressions: word problems

Y. One-variable equations

  1. Which x satisfies an equation?
  2. Write an equation from words
  3. Model and solve equations using algebra tiles
  4. Write and solve equations that represent diagrams
  5. Properties of equality
  6. Identify equivalent equations
  7. Solve one-step equations
  8. Solve two-step equations
  9. Solve two-step equations: complete the solution
  10. Solve one-step and two-step equations: word problems
  11. Solve equations involving like terms
  12. Solve equations with variables on both sides
  13. Solve equations with variables on both sides: fractional coefficients
  14. Solve equations with the distributive property
  15. Solve multi-step equations
  16. Solve multi-step equations with fractional coefficients
  17. Solve equations: mixed review
  18. Solve multi-step equations: complete the solution
  19. Find the number of solutions
  20. Create equations with no solutions or infinitely many solutions
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Solve linear equations

Z. One-variable inequalities

  1. Solutions to inequalities
  2. Graph inequalities on number lines
  3. Write inequalities from number lines
  4. Solve one-step inequalities
  5. Graph solutions to one-step inequalities
  6. Solve two-step inequalities
  7. Graph solutions to two-step inequalities
  8. Solve multi-step inequalities
  9. Graph solutions to multi-step inequalities
  10. Solve inequalities with integers: variables on both sides
  11. Solve inequalities with decimals: variables on both sides

AA. Linear equations

  1. Find the slope of a graph
  2. Find the slope from two points
  3. Find a missing coordinate using slope
  4. Slope-intercept form: find the slope and y-intercept
  5. Graph a line using slope
  6. Graph a line from an equation in slope-intercept form
  7. Graph a line from an equation in point-slope form
  8. Write a linear equation from a slope and y-intercept
  9. Write a linear equation from a graph
  10. Write a linear equation from a slope and a point
  11. Write a linear equation from two points
  12. Convert a linear equation in standard form to slope-intercept form
  13. Graph a line from an equation in standard form
  14. Graph a horizontal or vertical line
  15. Equations of horizontal and vertical lines
  16. Slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Slope and linear equations

BB. Functions

  1. Identify functions
  2. Identify functions: graphs
  3. Does (x, y) satisfy the linear function?
  4. Relate the graph of an equation to its solutions
  5. Identify independent and dependent variables
  6. Rate of change: tables
  7. Rate of change: graphs
  8. Constant rate of change
  9. Evaluate a linear function
  10. Complete a table for a linear function
  11. Complete a table and graph a linear function
  12. Interpret points on the graph of a linear function
  13. Interpret the slope and y-intercept of a linear function
  14. Write a linear function from a table
  15. Compare linear functions: graphs and equations
  16. Compare linear functions: tables, graphs, and equations
  17. Write linear functions: word problems
  18. Evaluate a linear function: word problems
  19. Identify linear and nonlinear functions: graphs and equations
  20. Identify linear and nonlinear functions: tables
  21. Does (x, y) satisfy the nonlinear function?
  22. Evaluate a nonlinear function
  23. Find values using function graphs
  24. Complete a table for a function graph
  25. Domain and range of functions
    • New! Identify graphs: word problems
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Understand functions
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Compare functions
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Linear and nonlinear functions
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Construct and interpret linear functions
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Sketch and describe graphs

CC. Systems of linear equations

  1. Is (x, y) a solution to the system of equations?
  2. Solve a system of equations by graphing
  3. Solve a system of equations by graphing: word problems
  4. Find the number of solutions to a system of equations by graphing
  5. Find the number of solutions to a system of equations
  6. Classify a system of equations by graphing
  7. Classify a system of equations
  8. Solve a system of equations using substitution
  9. Solve a system of equations using substitution: word problems
  10. Solve a system of equations using elimination
  11. Solve a system of equations using elimination: word problems
  12. Solve a system of equations using any method
  13. Solve a system of equations using any method: word problems
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Systems of equations

DD. Monomials and polynomials

  1. Identify monomials
  2. Model polynomials with algebra tiles
  3. Add and subtract polynomials using algebra tiles
  4. Add and subtract polynomials
  5. Add polynomials to find perimeter
  6. Multiply monomials
  7. Divide monomials
  8. Multiply and divide monomials
  9. Powers of monomials
  10. Square and cube roots of monomials
  11. Multiply polynomials using algebra tiles
  12. Multiply polynomials
  13. Multiply polynomials to find area

EE. Data and graphs

  1. Interpret tables
  2. Interpret bar graphs
  3. Create bar graphs
  4. Interpret line graphs
  5. Create line graphs
  6. Interpret line plots
  7. Create line plots
  8. Create and interpret line plots with fractions
  9. Interpret stem-and-leaf plots
  10. Create stem-and-leaf plots
  11. Interpret histograms
  12. Create histograms
  13. Create frequency charts
  14. Box plots
  15. Interpret scatter plots
  16. Create scatter plots
  17. Identify trends with scatter plots
  18. Make predictions with scatter plots
  19. Interpret circle graphs
  20. Circle graphs and central angles

FF. Statistics

  1. Calculate mean, median, mode, and range
  2. Interpret charts and graphs to find mean, median, mode, and range
  3. Mean, median, mode, and range: find the missing number
  4. Changes in mean, median, mode, and range
  5. Calculate mean absolute deviation
  6. Calculate quartiles and interquartile range
  7. Identify an outlier
  8. Identify an outlier and describe the effect of removing it
  9. Outliers in scatter plots
  10. Identify lines of best fit
  11. Write equations for lines of best fit
  12. Identify representative, random, and biased samples
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Scatter plots
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Lines of best fit
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Linear models: interpret and solve

GG. Probability

  1. Probability of simple events
  2. Probability of opposite, mutually exclusive, and overlapping events
  3. Experimental probability
  4. Find probabilities using two-way frequency tables
  5. Make predictions
  6. Compound events: find the number of outcomes
  7. Compound events: find the number of sums
  8. Identify independent and dependent events
  9. Probability of independent and dependent events
  10. Factorials
  11. Permutations
  12. Counting principle
  13. Combination and permutation notation
    Checkpoint skill Checkpoint: Two-way frequency tables