A. Numbers and counting up to 3

  1. Identify numbers – up to 3
  2. Learn to count to 3
  3. Count pictures – up to 3
  4. Count shapes – up to 3
  5. Count using stickers – up to 3
  6. Show numbers with cubes – up to 3
  7. Count on ten frames – up to 3
  8. Show numbers on ten frames – up to 3
  9. Represent numbers with pictures – up to 3
  10. Represent numbers with shapes – up to 3

B. Numbers and counting up to 5

  1. Identify numbers – up to 5
  2. Learn to count to 5
  3. Count pictures – up to 5
  4. Count shapes in rows – up to 5
  5. Count scattered shapes – up to 5
  6. Count using stickers – up to 5
  7. Count cubes – up to 5
  8. Count dots – 0 to 5
  9. Show numbers with cubes – up to 5
  10. Count on ten frames – up to 5
  11. Show numbers on ten frames – up to 5
  12. Represent numbers with pictures – up to 5
  13. Represent numbers with shapes – up to 5
  14. One more with pictures – up to 5
  15. One more on frames – up to 5
  16. One more – up to 5
  17. One less with pictures – up to 5
  18. One less on frames – up to 5
  19. Ordinal numbers – up to fifth

C. Numbers and counting up to 10

  1. Identify numbers – up to 10
  2. Learn to count to 10
  3. Count pictures – up to 10
  4. Count dots – up to 10
  5. Count shapes in rows – up to 10
  6. Count scattered shapes – up to 10
  7. Count shapes in rings – up to 10
  8. Count blocks – up to 10
  9. Count using stickers – up to 10
  10. Count cubes – up to 10
  11. Show numbers with cubes – up to 10
  12. Count on ten frames – up to 10
  13. Show numbers on ten frames – up to 10
  14. Represent numbers – up to 10
  15. One more with pictures – up to 10
  16. One more on frames – up to 10
  17. One more – up to 10
  18. One less with pictures – up to 10
  19. One less on frames – up to 10
  20. One more and one less with pictures – up to 10
  21. One more and one less on frames – up to 10
  22. Count up – up to 10
  23. Count up and down – up to 10
  24. Count to fill a ten frame
  25. Tally marks – up to 10
  26. Number lines – up to 10
  27. Before, after, and between – up to 10
  28. Count forward – up to 10
  29. Count forward and backward – up to 10
  30. Names of numbers – up to 10
  31. Complete a sequence – up to 10
  32. Ordinal numbers – up to tenth

D. Numbers and counting up to 20

  1. Identify numbers – up to 20
  2. Count to 20
  3. Count dots – 0 to 20
  4. Count on ten frames – up to 20
  5. Show numbers on ten frames – up to 20
  6. Represent numbers – up to 20
  7. Count up – up to 20
  8. Count up and down – up to 20
  9. Tally marks – up to 20
  10. Number lines – up to 20
  11. Before, after, and between – up to 20
  12. Count forward – up to 20
  13. Count forward and backward – up to 20
  14. Names of numbers – up to 20
  15. Complete an increasing sequence – up to 20
  16. Complete a sequence – up to 20
  17. Count blocks – up to 20

E. Place value with teens

  1. Count tens and ones – up to 20
  2. Write tens and ones – up to 20
  3. Make teen numbers: words
  4. Take apart teen numbers: words
  5. Make teen numbers: addition sentences
  6. Take apart teen numbers: addition sentences
  7. Make and take apart teen numbers: addition sentences

F. Numbers and counting beyond 20

  1. Count on ten frames – up to 30
  2. Count groups of ten
  3. Count to 100
  4. Counting on the hundred chart
  5. Number lines – up to 30
  6. Count forward – up to 30
  7. Count blocks – up to 30
  8. Count tens and ones – up to 30
  9. Write tens and ones – up to 30
  10. Count forward – up to 100
  11. Sequences – count by ones and tens
  12. Count blocks – up to 100

G. Skip-counting

  1. Learn to skip-count by twos
  2. Skip-count by twos
  3. Skip-count by twos on ten frames
  4. Learn to skip-count by fives
  5. Skip-count by fives
  6. Learn to skip-count by tens
  7. Skip-count by tens
  8. Learn to skip-count by twos, fives, and tens
  9. Skip-count by twos, fives, and tens

H. Comparing

  1. Fewer and more – compare by matching
  2. Fewer and more – compare by counting
  3. Fewer and more – compare in a mixed group
  4. Fewer, more, and same
  5. Are there enough?
  6. Compare two numbers – up to 10
  7. Compare three numbers – up to 10
  8. Fewer and more – up to 20

I. Patterns

  1. Color patterns
  2. Size patterns
  3. Shape patterns
  4. Find the next shape in a pattern
  5. Complete a pattern
  6. Growing patterns
  7. Find the next shape in a growing pattern
  8. Find the next row in a growing pattern

J. Addition up to 5

  1. Put together numbers using cubes – sums up to 5
  2. Build cube trains to add up to 5 – words
  3. Take apart numbers using cubes – sums up to 5
  4. Add with cubes – sums up to 5
  5. Build cube trains to add up to 5 – addition sentences
  6. Add with pictures – sums up to 5
  7. Addition sentences up to 5 – which model matches?
  8. Addition sentences up to 5 – what does the model show?
  9. Take apart numbers up to 5 – addition sentences
  10. Add two numbers – sums up to 5
  11. Make a number using addition – sums up to 5
  12. Complete the addition sentence – sums up to 5
  13. Addition word problems with pictures – sums up to 5
    New! Build cube trains to solve addition word problems – sums up to 5
  14. Addition word problems – sums up to 5

K. Addition up to 10

  1. Put together numbers using cubes – sums up to 10
  2. Build cube trains to add up to 10 – words
  3. Take apart numbers using cubes – sums up to 10
  4. Take apart 10 using cubes
  5. Decompose a number up to 10
  6. Add with cubes – sums up to 10
  7. Build cube trains to add up to 10 – addition sentences
  8. Add with pictures – sums up to 10
  9. Addition sentences up to 10 – which model matches?
  10. Addition sentences up to 10 – what does the model show?
  11. Take apart numbers up to 10 – addition sentences
  12. Take apart 10 – addition sentences
  13. Add two numbers – sums up to 10
  14. Make a number using addition – sums up to 10
  15. Complete the addition sentence – make 10
  16. Complete the addition sentence – sums up to 10
  17. Turn words into an addition sentence – sums up to 10
  18. Addition word problems with pictures – sums up to 10                                        • New! Build cube trains to solve addition word problems – sums up to 10
  19. Addition word problems – sums up to 10

L. Subtraction up to 5

  1. Take away cubes – numbers up to 5
  2. Subtract with cubes – numbers up to 5
  3. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 5
  4. Subtraction sentences up to 5 – which model matches?
  5. Subtraction sentences up to 5 – what does the model show?
  6. Subtract – numbers up to 5
  7. Make a number using subtraction – numbers up to 5
  8. Complete the subtraction sentence – numbers up to 5
  9. Subtraction word problems with pictures – numbers up to 5
    • New! Use cube trains to solve subtraction word problems – up to 5
  10. Subtraction word problems – numbers up to 5

M. Subtraction up to 10

  1. Take away cubes – numbers up to 10
  2. Subtract with cubes – numbers up to 10
  3. Subtract with pictures – numbers up to 10
  4. Subtraction sentences up to 10 – which model matches?
  5. Subtraction sentences up to 10 – what does the model show?
  6. Subtract – numbers up to 10
  7. Make a number using subtraction – numbers up to 10
  8. Complete the subtraction sentence – numbers up to 10
  9. Turn words into a subtraction sentence – numbers up to 10
  10. Subtraction word problems with pictures – numbers up to 10
    • New! Use cube trains to solve subtraction word problems – up to 10
  11. Subtraction word problems – numbers up to 10

N. Mixed operations

  1. Add or subtract – numbers up to 5
  2. Add or subtract – numbers up to 10
  3. Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number
  4. Addition and subtraction word problems with pictures
  5. Addition and subtraction word problems

O. Positions

  1. Inside and outside
  2. Left, middle, and right
  3. Top, middle, and bottom
  4. Location in a grid
  5. Above and below
  6. Above and below – find solid figures
  7. Beside and next to
  8. Beside and next to – find solid figures

P. Fractions

  1. Equal parts
  2. Identify halves, thirds, fourths

Q. Time

  1. Match digital clocks and times
  2. Match analog clocks and times
  3. Match analog and digital clocks
  4. Read clocks and write times
  5. A.M. or P.M.
  6. Times of everyday events
  7. Seasons

R. Sorting, ordering, and classifying

  1. Different
  2. Same
  3. Same and different
  4. Classify shapes by color
  5. Classify and sort by color
  6. Classify and sort by shape
  7. Classify and sort
  8. Classify, sort, and count
  9. Count shapes in a Venn diagram
  10. Sort shapes into a Venn diagram
  11. Put numbers up to 10 in order
  12. Put numbers up to 30 in order

S. Data and graphs

  1. Which picture graph is correct?
  2. Interpret picture graphs

T. Probability

  1. More or less likely

U. Measurement

  1. Long and short
  2. Tall and short
  3. Wide and narrow
  4. Light and heavy
  5. Holds more or less
  6. Compare size, weight, and capacity
  7. Measure length with objects
  8. Measure length with cubes
  9. Build cube trains to measure length
  10. Measure height with cubes
  11. Build cube trains to measure height

V. Money

  1. Coin names – penny through quarter
  2. Coin values – penny through quarter
  3. Count money – pennies only
  4. Count money – pennies and nickels
  5. Count money – pennies through dimes
  6. Compare two groups of coins – pennies through dimes

W. Two-dimensional shapes

  1. Name the two-dimensional shape
  2. Circles
  3. Triangles
  4. Squares
  5. Rectangles
  6. Hexagons
  7. Select two-dimensional shapes
  8. Curved parts
  9. Count corners
  10. Square corners
  11. Count sides
  12. Equal sides
  13. Count sides and corners
  14. Compare sides and corners
  15. Introduction to symmetry
  16. Identify pictures with symmetry
  17. Compose two-dimensional shapes

X. Three-dimensional shapes

  1. Flat and solid shapes
  2. Name the three-dimensional shape
  3. Spheres
  4. Cubes
  5. Cones
  6. Cylinders
  7. Select three-dimensional shapes
  8. Identify shapes traced from solids
  9. Shapes of everyday objects I
  10. Shapes of everyday objects II